We help clients strengthen governance and strategy in changing policy environments.
Recent assignments include:
Helping Historic England brainstorm the challenges of climate change and work through the implications for how to make sure the sector is adequately skilled for the future
Developed strategies for the future prosperity of rural communities in Cumbria
Supporting British Universities and Colleges Sport develop their new strategy
“When strategic objectives, change initiatives, performance indicators and risks are aligned and managed within an effective governance framework, organisations have a greater chance of successfully weathering complex and increasingly regulated external environments and delivering on their fundamental purpose.”
Creating an anchor for personalised health in Liverpool
Scoping the current landscape and future industry-related opportunities in therapeutics and personalised health
Climbing the ladder, avoiding the snakes
Recommendations for league table optimisation
Catalysing opportunities for inclusive growth from SC1 in Lambeth
Assessing the options for community engagement from Lambeth’s new life sciences innovation centre
Driving growth, unlocking potential
Understanding the potential scale and scope for life sciences employment, skills and enterprise delivery in Lambeth and Southwark arising from SC1
Climate change training workshop
Mitigating the effects of climate change on the historic environment
A sporting strategy
Evidence-based and collaborative development of a new corporate strategy
Reaching rural Carlisle
A long-term strategy for Carlisle's rural communities
Reaching rural Eden
A long-term strategy for Eden's rural communities
Reaching rural areas
A SWOT analysis for Carlisle and Eden
Shaping Shared Prosperity
Supporting the setting up of local delivery functions for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
The impact of leading from the edge
Evaluating Cornwall's stage II bid for the United Kingdom's City of Culture 2025
Resilient high streets guidance pack
Creating resilient and revitalised high streets in the ‘New Normal’
Securing and sustaining prosperity
Economic development strategies appropriate for an island of Jersey's size and sophisticated
Towards the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
Developing a prioritisation framework to support the levelling up of rural communities
Towards a greener Green Book process
Delivering the promise of proportionate public funding for rural communities
BizSpace and the New Normal
Assessing the impact of covid on key sectors
intelligent ▪ approachable ▪ pragmatic