We help clients challenge policy norms and debunk research myths.
Recent assignments include:
Demonstrating how official data on socioeconomic deprivation fail to capture or represent the challenges facing rural and coastal communities
Helping small international finance centres, like Jersey, Mauritius and the British Virgin Islands, demonstrate their value to the world economy and push back on inaccurate ‘tax haven’ labels
Working with the London Boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark to widen access to the health and life sciences for local residents through inclusive growth-focused employment and skills pathways
“We have the depth of experience to tell it as it is, and the confidence and authority to call out what’s not right.”
The value of justice for all
Evaluating the case for funding the free specialist legal advice sector
Reigniting rural futures
Rural communities' capacity to boost economic growth
Understanding imported threats
Assessing the risk of an international finance centre being used by terrorist financers
Jersey's defences against foreign tax crimes
Understanding the risk of tax predicate offenses and effectiveness of the island's mitigation
Beyond globalisation
The British Virgin Islands’ contribution to global prosperity in an uncertain world
Improving infrastructure funding and delivery
Boosting the provision of sub-national infrastructure by local authorities and their partners
Illuminating the night shift
Demonstrating the business case for Night Club
Demonstrating the real contribution of the British Virgin Islands and its international finance centre
Rural as a region: the hidden challenge for Levelling Up
Assessing the scale of rural disadvantage using the White Paper’s analytical framework
Careers at the cutting edge
Tackling the skills shortage in the hair and beauty sector
Profiting from pandemic premiums
Estimating the excess profits accrued by motor insurers during the covid lockdowns
Identifying the impact of intensive animal agriculture
Quantitative analysis to support a report for COP26
Defending the public purse
The economic value of the free legal advice sector
Building post-pandemic prosperity
The economic and fiscal case for constructing 100,000 new council homes each year
Facilitating growth, employment and prosperity in Africa
Assessing the role of Mauritius in Africa's economic development
Cultivating rural growth
Recognising and addressing the post-pandemic rural productivity challenge
Rural recognition, recovery, resilience and revitalisation
Strengthening economies and addressing deprivation in rural and coastal communities
Hair, beauty and the pandemic: An industry at the sharp end
The impact of coronavirus on business vulnerability and the potential for mitigating measures
Resilient Jersey
Contribution of the international finance centre to Jersey's economic resilience
Building post-pandemic prosperity
The economic and fiscal case for constructing 100,000 new council homes each year
intelligent ▪ approachable ▪ pragmatic